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Poetry Readers

Ralie Belchewa

Ralie Belchewa is a high school junior from Bulgaria, whose interests are far too many and far too varied for her own good. The fact, that her first visit to the school library coincided with the debates club meeting, led her to finding her two greatest passions in life - public speaking and poetry - at the same time. She is an avid fan of Russian literature and historical fiction, and, as of recently, an amateur writer as well.

Alison Chai

Alison Chai is a current high school senior residing in Southern California. Along with being an editor for Polyphony H.S. and Transcendence, she is liaison for her school’s communications club, Pen on Paper. Alison is a girl who dabbles in many activities. Her hobbies include film-making, playing music, writing, reading, badminton, and napping.

Celeste Collado

Celeste Collado is a reluctant Floridian currently studying for dual undergraduate degrees in theatre and creative writing at Florida State University in the hopes of studying film at the graduate level sometime in the future. When not lamenting her banishment to the rolling hills of Lower Talabama, she can be found building bicycles at the local co-op, bumming rides to local concerts, and vandalizing unsuspecting minds with unwarranted rants on the tragedy of terrible writing in television. The works she draws the most inspiration from range from the fiction of Palahnuik, Bradbury, and Woolf, to the poetry of Richard Silken, Sierra DeMulder, and Warsan Shire, and the spoken word of Lauren Zuniga, Rudy Francisco, and Rachel McKibbens. She previously interned as a poetry reader with Winter Tangerine Review.

Lindsay Emi

Lindsay Emi is currently sixteen years old and a junior at Viewpoint School, CA. Her work has been published or is forthcoming in Sierra Nevada Review, Winter Tangerine Review, National Poetry Quarterly, theNewerYork, The Riveter Review, the Young Poets Network, and elsewhere. She is also an alumna of the Iowa Young Writers’ Studio, the Kenyon Young Writers Workshop, and the The Adroit Journal Mentorship Program. When not writing, she enjoys editing for various publications, playing piano, and studying classics.

Jasmine Gui

Jasmine is a freelance writer born in Singapore, and raised in Suzhou and Hong Kong, and currently living in Toronto. She graduated with a BA in English and East Asian Studies and is figuring out this poet business. Her poetry has been published in a number of literary magazines, and her debut collection came out in 2014. Currently working a few different jobs and developing her writing craft on the side, she tries to cram in as much reading of graphic novels, literary magazines and poetry collections when possible. She is often found drinking too many London Fogs, and snacking at inappropriate hours while trying to figure out how to reword her sentences.

Stephanie Hsu

Stephanie Hsu is a high school junior from California. She started writing poetry in 2013 and is continually amazed and inspired by the work of emerging young writers. She previously interned for Winter Tangerine Review and has had her work recognized by the Sierra Nevada Review.

Jeremy Nathan Marks
Monique Ouk

Jeremy Nathan Marks is a Marylander who has been living in Canada since 2006. He is no longer sure why he came but as Thomas Wolfe once said “you can’t go home again.” His poetry and photography has appeared in various places and he is always on the lookout for new publishing opportunities. His passions include his family (human and animal), spending time outdoors, involving himself in ecological projects and preparing to become a father.

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