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Prose Readers

Erica Guo

Erica Guo is a junior in Canyon Crest Academy. Aside from receiving two national gold medals in poetry, she has been published in Control Lit Magazine and will appear in Polyphony HS’s upcoming tenth issue. She is an alumna of the Adroit Mentorship Program under the mentor Katherine Frain. Her favorite poets are Anne Sexton, M.S. Merwin, and Ishmael Reed.

Dice Jung

Dice Jung is a writer stationed in Hawaii. His works can be found in Hobart, WInter Tangerine Review, and etc, and have been recognized by Sierra Nevada College, Hollins University, The Boston Globe, and The Massachusetts Poetry Festival. Dice firmly believes in the magic of Princess Tutu, and wants to ask if you will dance with him.

Alexa Kreizinger
Hannah Nahar

Alexa Kreizinger is a college freshman from Orange County, California--think less "The OC" and think more "Arrested Development." She studied under poet Matt Siegel at a writing camp for teens and subsequently decided to become another tortured soul in the world of prose. When she's not reading or writing (and she's never writing as much as she should be), you'll find her playing David Bowie records at maximum volume or puttering around with a telescope. She's currently in a complicated relationship with postmodern fiction and loves Wallace, Pynchon, and DeLillo, along with Joyce, Woolf, Vonnegut, and O'Hara.

Hannah Nahar is a writer and undergraduate at Tufts University. Her work has been recognized by Scholastic Art and Writing, among others, and is forthcoming from Palooka. When not reading or writing, she can probably be found watching a romantic comedy or worrying. Her favorite food is carbs but if you bring her sautéed kale she will also be a happy camper. She likes her stories subtle and specific, maybe a little salty. That's a lot of s's but she assures you she is not opposed to the other members of the alphabet. She would like it if you would ask her a question while looking carefully into her eyes. She would like it if you would surprise her. She believes wholeheartedly that there is always more to say. 

Ekaterina Tikhoniouk

Social Media Director

Ekaterina Tikhoniouk is originally from Belarus but has lived in Ireland for twenty years and studied architecture in Dublin, in UCD. She has created content for websites such as ReachOut and SpunOut, and is also involved with publicizing and managing the social media profiles of HeadSpace Magazine and the Architecture Or Society initiative.

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